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Thank You,

Bibhu Dev Misra

24 comments so far,Add yours

  1. Mr. Misra, Thank You for the enormous research time You spent on writing several of your articles. I learned a lot about the Kali Yuga and other calendrical concepts. ... I would love to share a few things I learned in my research. The Sumerian picture that You show is about the eruption of ORION. In 2012 Cornell University finally declared the Orion Nebula as a 'runaway black hole'. We already knew that CYGNUS X-3 and X-1 were others. Without knowing these new scientific pearls, we cannot solve the ancient riddles. If You are interested, I can certainly provide You with materials to concider. You can write to me on gasparvili@gmail.com, see my FB page William 'Vilmos' Gaspar or God's Generator . The ancient Hindu rishis and sages knew not only the two black holes that I mentioned, but even the LARGEST one in the Universe, I can prove that to You. Blessings to You. William A. Gaspar MD

  2. http://endic.ru/bible/Ham-36438.html

    Bible Revision - Bible revisions made by rabbis and Christians

    Author Paul William Roberts states in Empires of the Soul: Some Voyages to India: “Recent research suggests that the Vedic era was a lost civilization whose legacy the Egyptians and Indians inherited. She must have been. There are too many similarities between hieroglyphic texts and Vedic texts, which, in turn, are repeated in a somewhat diluted and confused form by the authors of the Babylonian texts and the Old Testament.


  3. Stumbled across this treasure trove of a blog while reading about Mudras. Envy you for being able to pursue this. - Manjula.

    1. Thank you. One needs to get away from the pursuit of wealth and power, in order to be able to explore the real interests and passions.

  4. Hallo,

    Regarding your article ''The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle''

    Please investigate:

    The transition period began 300 years ago!

    1. Timeline 1700-1900 Wars, Great Frost, Year Without a Summer, The Carrington Event, Mud flood, classical music, scientific (re)discoveries, the emergence of new states (USA, Italy, Germany, Greece...

    2. Ancient Slavic calendar:
    а) Why and how Serbs and Russians date the calendar to 5508 BC?
    b) Similarity of Sanskrit with Serbian and Russian?
    c) Why do we have the Nordic and Indian Vedas, and we do not have the Slavic ones? Between the North and the South 5000km of desolation!?!

    1. Thanks for your message. I really do not think the period of transition has started yet, since during these periods there is a global collapse of civilization, which is replaced by a new one. Since we are in the Kali Yuga - the lowest point in the cycle - the coming transition will be very severe and leave no trace of our morally and spiritually corrupt culture.

      As for the connections between Sanskrit, Serbian, Russian and Nordic cultures - it is something that definitely requires closer investigations. There are lots of connections, which hints at ancient cultural linkages that have not been explored.

  5. Hey Bibhu, the OS.me community will benefit with your deeply researched articles. You can re-post your articles there – learn more here https://explore.os.me/

  6. Hello Bibhu, I just read your great article on Yugas and Kali yuga end in 2025. I wanted to tell you that you have done a tremendous job. I would like to get in touch with moving forward if you like. Find me on LinkedIn or Fb

  7. Sir, Charan Kahan hai aapke..bahot badhiya likha hai..apko koti koti pranam

  8. Pls sir, try to start your YouTube channel and update us on this knowledge...i also want to learn

  9. Hi Bibhu, I loved your article about Olmec Yogis so much I made a YouTube video. I live in Yucatan Mexico and I have seen firsthand and also read about many of your observations. I hope you are okay with the video: https://youtu.be/hr_elCA6gCI

    1. Thanks for making a video on this topic. I enjoyed watching it. I also liked the connection between the seven headed serpents in Maya and Hindu-Buddhist art.

  10. how do i subscribe to these posts ?

    1. You can bookmark the site. I removed the subscribe option sometime back.

  11. Hello Bibhu Dev Misra, thanks for really informative articles. I have worked with meditation and dreams for 30 years - it MIGHT interest you that without knowing any of the vedic info and only a little theosophic I started dreaming 2025 an ultimate year in '18 as well as abt civilisation coming to the north (DK) from northern India - in metaphors, much of it, still, rather clear. Veda is collective subconscious knowledge. Your articles on the yugas clarified a lot. Thanks!

    1. Hello Lissen, thanks you for sharing your dreams about 2025 being a culminating year. I find these kinds of feedback really interesting, because, at least couple of other people (both of whom I trust and respect) have told me specifically that they received psychic communication about 2025 being the end of the Kali Yuga. A lot of people today are having intuitive feelings that we are standing at the threshold of great changes, and I don't think any of this is a coincidence. The universe wants us to know that the shift is imminent and is sending signals to different people in different ways. And the messages will keep coming so that more people become aware of it. Yes, I agree that we can tap into the Vedic wisdom field subconsciously when we are in tune with our inner Source. What passes as the Vedas in India today, is a tiny fraction of the original knowledge, and a lot of it has been distorted in course of the Kali Yuga.

  12. Is this the beginning of AGN

    1. Thanks for sharing the link. This is really interesting. This is the first time that bright flares of visible light have been observed around the black hole, and, to me, it indicates that the black hole is entering its AGN phase. Of course, scientists are not yet talking about this, because they think that the AGN cycle of our black hole is probably very long. But they are wrong. I am pretty sure that the activity of the black hole will pick up in the coming years, and as this high energy radiation comes into planet, it will change everything. Consciousness will be elevated, the dark energies of the Kali Yuga will be dissipated, existing ideologies and structures based on greed, lies , deceit and divisions will collapse, and a new cycle will begin. It has all started happening as we have entered 2025. Thanks for the share.

    2. I pray you are correct Bibhu because my fellow Iron Age morons are not disappointing with their speed and zeal to reach the pinnacle of the bottom of Kali Yuga consciousness.

  13. Dear Sir:

    I devoured your book Yuga Shift after hearing your interview with Ben and Aaron on Mysterious Universe. First, your writing is clear and coherent. You handle this esoteric material with authority — many of the references were unknown to me and many of the words in languages unknown to me, yet I wasn’t stopped or slowed down trying to understand 'novel to me' concepts. You methodically built your case for a new more urgent understanding of the Yuga Cycle - by the end of it I was ALL IN - to the point that I’ve been in some state of mourning for this world that has deeply affected my day to day life. Thanks, I guess. Plainly, you’re a good writer as well as an integrous researcher. Thank you. I have searched online for serious criticisms of your work and haven’t found any. Can you tell me have there been any challenges to your new timeline and method for the new calculations?

    1. Thanks for your feedback. I am happy to know that you resonated with the book and found my arguments convincing. I have not come across any serious criticism of my work either, and to be honest, I dont expect there to be any, since I have supported all my assertions with logic and evidence. However, there are those who have been indoctrinated with the idea that the yuga cycle is mythical, or that it runs into millions of years, and no amount evidence or arguments are ever going to be sufficient for those who have already decided what they want to believe.

    2. I suspected as much. As I mentioned - I’m all in and don’t need further “proof” but we have just entered the Chinese year of the Snake — the symbolism and meaning of this year - shedding old ways, ending cycles - starting new ones, etc. supports your calculations. In Numerology the year 2025 is a “9” year which represents completion and the ending of a cycle…coincidence? NO

  14. Dear Bibhu,
    I've been captivated by your impressively researched treatises since I first discovered and "devoured" your article explicating the Kali Yuga on Graham Hancock's site in 2021. Reading it several times, I increasingly felt that I'd finally found the most valid, systematic explanation for what seemed to me the inexplicable, chaotic decline of our civilization. I was born in the mid-1950's, and was schooled in the false concept of "social evolution" - steady improvement of mankind. Technologically, yes. But in every other way - i.e., morally and spiritually - I saw it was all quite the opposite. In my 70+ years, I have witnessed what was left of honesty, empathy, generosity, gentleness and love, giving way to more and more deliberate lying, self-interest, greed, violence, and heartless lust. With Kali Yuga, you explained it all for me! Though still upset by the horrors in our collapsing society, I now have a new peace in my heart just knowing what is happening...thanks to you, Bibhu!

    I received your book *Yuga Shift* the day before the shocking US election and my fall from a ladder, breaking 5 bones. I spent the next two months in hospital and rehab, but had my copy of *Yuga Shift* to read again and again, and YouTube, Wikipedia, etc. on my phone to prove how stunningly accurate this book was. I left a comment of grateful praise on one of the YouTube videos where you had been interviewed, but found the video had been taken down. I'm so glad to have found you again and finally get that message to you.

    All your superb articles here continue to fascinate me. Your writings "check all my boxes": ancient history and linguistics (I was a historical linguistics professor), astrology (my hobby), astronomy (my fascination), Cayce & reincarnation (my first great enlightenment when I was only 17 - now you're my second when I'm 71), synchronicity (my obsession), on and on. And very important to me - none of it is just "psychic intuition" - it's all researched and validated. Bravo!

    I found a very small but very significant note on back of the last page of *Y.S.*: "Made in the USA, Coppell, TX, 01 November 2024". Coppell, Texas, is very near where I read my first book on Cayce and where I later won the most prestigious awards of my life. Nov. 1 was just in time to get your book before I fell and broke my body to match my broken spirit and to help me heal both.

    Thank you, Bibhu.
