As I am writing this article in the middle of March 2025, I am taken aback at the speed at which things are unfolding in the world right now. My expectation was that the pace of transformation will slowly pick up in 2025, and intensify further after March 21st, which is the date when the Kali Yuga will be completely over and the period of transition called Ekpyrosis will begin.
But right from the get-go, 2025 has been a very eventful year, and some of the things that I had mentioned in my book, Yuga Shift, are already manifesting in the world.
I want to discuss four events that have already occurred which indicate that the shift out of the Kali Yuga has well and truly commenced, and we are now entering uncharted waters, when things are likely to become very fluid, unpredictable and chaotic, as the illusory reality bubble we live in begins to come apart at the seams, allowing the light of a greater cosmic reality to shine through which will elevate our awareness and intuitive understanding.
Ekpyrosis Begins
The first event I will talk about, which happened right at the beginning of 2025, was the devastating wildfire in LA. The fiery catastrophe served as a potent warning that we are now entering the period of Ekpyrosis - which is an extended period of transition between the descending and ascending arcs of the Yuga Cycle – when the world is cleansed and purified by fire. The term Ekpyrosis is of Greek origin and it means “burning” or “conflagration”.
What happened in LA was so unusual, ferocious, and unrelenting, it was almost as if nature had blown a fuse and gone berserk, and was trying to shake us out of the stupor of the Kali Yuga. As the fire raged, it was disheartening to see all the finger pointing, blame games and conspiracy theories, when we should have really been doing some serious soul searching and asking the important questions: Why is nature behaving this way? Is there any message for us? What can we do differently?
Even in the midst of this damage, a miracle occurred at Pacific Palisades, where the fire had burnt with the most severity. The fire burnt all around the Lake Shrine of the Self-Realization Fellowship, keeping all the structures in the complex intact, except one. The Lake Shrine had been established by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1950, to serve as an “open-air shrine of all religions”, where man would be inspired to achieve communion with his highest Self.
When I read about this miracle, it seemed to me that the fire was conscious and was telling us, “Only that which is aligned with spirit, and supports the unfolding of our divine nature, will make it through the period of Ekpyrosis.”
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Wildfires are becoming more frequent and intense. Source: Adobe Stock |
Over the past two months of 2025, there have a number of large fire events around the world. Japan experienced its biggest fire in decades and wildfires erupted in the Carolinas in the US. What makes these fires so unusual is not only their ferocity, but the fact that they were burning in the winter months in regions that are normally not prone to wildfires. Even as I write this, there is a headline on AP News which reads, “At least 39 dead after tornadoes, wildfires and dust storms wreak havoc across multiple US states.”
In addition to the fire events, there have been a number of freak, flooding incidents across the world over the past few months. In an earlier article, titled, “The Sioux Prophecy of the White Buffalo Calf Woman came true in 2024” I had written about these flooding events, and how they began to increase in number and intensity after the Sioux Prophecy of the White Buffalo Calf Woman came true in the month of June, 2024.
As per the Sioux, the appearance of a white buffalo calf in the wild would indicate that the current World Cycle is on the verge of ending, and the White Buffalo Calf Woman – who gave the Sioux people their sacred laws and ceremonies - is about to return to purify the world, and restore harmony and balance. In early June, 2024, a white bison calf was photographed in the Yellowstone National Park, which was taken by the Sioux people as a foreboding sign of imminent changes.
The White Buffalo Calf Woman corresponds to the goddess Isis of Egypt, who was regarded as the bringer of the Nile floods. This might explain the spate of intense flooding events across the world. The standout weird incidents, of course, were the unusual floods in the Sahara Desert and the snowstorm in the Arabian Desert last year, which are reminiscent of scenes straight out of apocalyptic movies.
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The Flood in the Sahara in 2024 created lakes in the desert. Source: Adobe Stock |
To add to our woes, there is an ongoing magma movement in the earth’s crust, which has been causing intense “earthquake swarms” in places like Santorini in Greece and the Campi Flegrei region west of Naples in Italy. Just a few days ago, a headline on AP News stated, “A volcano near Alaska's largest city could erupt in the coming weeks or months, scientists say.”
Things have been happening at a frantic pace, keeping large populations worried and on the edge. It’s almost as if a cosmic magician has waved his magic wand, and our planet has started waking up after a long period of hibernation, kicking off a number of dormant planetary processes of cleansing and renewal.
The question is, who is the cosmic magician who is setting off these environmental events, just as we are about to transition out of the Kali Yuga? Scientists are happy to blame these changes on man-made global warming or on absurdities like “cow farts”, but that may not necessarily be the case.
The Black Hole Enters its AGN Phase
In Yuga Shift, I had proposed that the radiation from the central black hole of the Milky Way regulates the fluctuation of consciousness, lifespan, physical stature and the environmental conditions in course of the Yuga Cycle.
The Vedic sages referred to the central black hole as “Brahma” – the supreme, unformed, creative principle at the navel of the world (Vishnunabhi) – which is well-aligned with how scientists describe the black hole i.e. as the central engine powering our galaxy.
My contention was that, the central black hole (Sgr A*) will switch from the “Start-up phase” of its AGN cycle to the active or “AGN phase”, after we transition out of the Kali Yuga, and when this high-frequency energetic impulse reaches us it will trigger a range of changes in our genetics and ecosphere that would propel us towards the ascending arc of the Yuga Cycle.
In the “Start-up phase”, a black hole is generally very quiet, and emits occasional X-ray flares. This is what the central black hole of the Milky Way has been doing over the past few centuries. But when a black hole switches to its active or “AGN phase”, it emits profuse quantities of EM radiation at all frequencies, from infrared to visible to gamma rays. At this point, the nucleus becomes highly luminous and outshines the light from all the stars of the galaxy put together, and is called an AGN i.e. an Active Galactic Nucleus.
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The different phases of the AGN cycle of the Milky Way can be mapped to the Yuga Cycle of 25,800 years. Source: “Yuga Shift” by Bibhu Dev Misra |
This is what I wrote in Yuga Shift, regarding the activation of the central black hole (Sgr A*):
“The AGN phase of Sgr A* could begin after the end of the Kali Yuga in 2025, sometime during the 1200-year period of Ekpyrosis. The AGN phase may continue for the entire 11,700 years of the ascending Yuga Cycle, till the end of the Golden Age. During this time, the nucleus of the Milky Way could become extraordinarily luminous and photoionize the entire galaxy.
The increase in the intensity of “ionizing radiation” from Sgr A*, such as extreme UV, X-ray, and Gamma rays, could trigger beneficial genetic mutations that can progressively increase our cranial volume, height and lifespan during the ascending cycle. Ionizing radiation is very effective in killing bacteria and disease-causing microorganisms. This could be why the higher Yugas were said to be free of diseases. The photoionization of the earth’s atmosphere will also provide a positive boost to our mood and attitude. Many studies have shown that exposure to negative ions can alleviate depression, reduce stress, increase mental alertness and improve cognitive abilities.”
Imagine my surprise, therefore, when I came across this piece of news on CNN Science which stated that, over the past one year, the black hole has been emitting blindingly bright flares of light on a daily basis, along with many shorter flashes. Here’s a small excerpt from the article.
“Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have spied dynamic flares of light near the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The constant, rapid-fire display includes seconds-long short flashes and longer, blindingly bright flares of light on a daily basis...A study describing the findings was published Tuesday in The Astrophysical Journal Letters...
In our data, we saw constantly changing, bubbling brightness,” said lead study author Farhad Yusef-Zadeh, a professor of physics and astronomy at Northwestern University’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, in a statement. “And then boom! A big burst of brightness suddenly popped up. Then, it calmed down again. We couldn’t find a pattern in this activity. It appears to be random. The activity profile of this black hole was new and exciting every time that we looked at it.”
This is a clear indication that the black hole has shifted to the “AGN phase” of its AGN Cycle. It’s still in the initial stages of the AGN phase, because of which it is emitting only visible light, but in course of time we can expect it to become considerably more active and emit intense radiation at all frequencies.
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An artists’ impression of the central black hole, surrounded by magnetic filaments glowing in the light emitted by the black hole. Source: Adobe Stock |
I was expecting that the activation of the black hole will happen sometime after 2025, but as it turns out, the shift had already happened in 2024. And now that I think back, it explains a lot of what was going on in 2024. Many people around the world were waking up from the stupor of the Kali Yuga, and started asking questions about what was really going on in the world. There was a definite uptick in psychic and intuitive abilities, and many people received premonitions of a big shift. The interest in our origins and the wisdom of our ancestors was picking up and the call for moving away from the drama and negativity of the outer world and aligning with inner spirit kept getting stronger.
I had anticipated that these types of changes in the collective consciousness will begin to manifest as we enter the transitional period on March 21, 2025. This is what I had written in Yuga Shift:
“At the same time, the peculiar energies of this time period could set in motion a global movement to return to our roots, reclaim our past from academic misinterpretations and use the ancient wisdom teachings to chart our way to the future…In other words, even as the violence around the world escalates, more and more people will discard the decaying energies of the Kali Yuga, and try to align themselves with the subtle energies of the Yuga that is on the way. Even in the midst of an emerging totalitarian nightmare, a common planetary consciousness will begin to take root, which will be concerned with the welfare of all. While this process has already been underway for sometime, I think it will gain momentum after 2025.”
The activation of the central black hole is a sure-shot indication that the spiritual ascension of humanity has already begun. The process is unstoppable now, and its effects will be felt everywhere in the coming years. Anything that is not in resonance with these divine vibrations of unity consciousness and love, truth and harmony, will collapse and fade away. All structures and ideologies based on the dense Kali Yuga energies of greed and lies, selfishness and hatred, will inevitably be disrupted and transformed. Brahma is opening his eyes, and a dramatic shift in our reality is underway.
We must remember that as the old forms and power structures collapse – due to internal conflicts, financial issues, revolutions, wars or environmental catastrophes – it will cause chaos and suffering. I think of it as a “collective rehab” that we may need to go through, in order to wean us away from our addictions and material obsessions, so that we can find the wisdom and light, the joy and contentment, within us that can heal us and take us forward on our path.
My belief is that the enhanced radiation from the black hole is also responsible to a large extent for the heating up of the earth’ core and mantle, which, in turn, is causing global temperatures to increase, wildfires to erupt more frequently, and the ongoing magma movement in the earth’s crust which is causing the seismic swarms. The warmer ocean waters are causing more powerful cyclones and flooding events.
At an esoteric level, what appears to be happening is that, the central black hole – which is the “primordial consciousness” that creates, organizes and transforms everything in our galaxy - is telling our planet that the time of darkness is over, a new dawn is approaching, and Mother Nature needs to get into action and get the house cleaning done, so that the “new humans” who are about break out of their shells can embark on a brand new adventure of self-discovery in the ascending Yuga Cycle.
The Asteroids “2024 YR4” and Apophis
The asteroid “2024 YR4” created a global scare in late January, when astronomers announced that the space rock, having a diameter of roughly 180 feet, could impact the earth on December 22nd, 2032. At one point, the odds of a strike in 2032 were as high as about 3.1% and topped the world’s asteroid-risk lists.
Subsequent observations of the trajectory of the asteroid have ruled out the chance of a direct hit with the earth. However, the asteroid still has a chance 1.7% chance of impacting the Moon on December 22nd, 2032. If the lunar impact occurs, it could create an impact crater with a diameter of 500 to 2000 metres and release 340 times more energy than the Hiroshima bomb.
When it had been announced that “2024 YR4” has more than a 3% chance of hitting the earth in 2032, I had received a few messages from people who had read Yuga Shift, since 2032 was one of the critical dates of the transition period that I had identified in my book.
My proposition was that, in 2032, the earth will pass through the dense center of the Taurid swarm, which contains a large number of closely packed comets and asteroids. Sometime prior to 2032, one or more dormant comets within this swarm could get reactivated as effulgent cometary bodies, and we might begin to see “new stars in the sky”. Comets do that a lot – they can suddenly change from a dormant to an active state, and vice versa.
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The Taurid Resonant Swarm within the Taurid meteor stream. Source: Sky & Telescope / David Clark, University of Western Ontario. |
As a result, when we pass through this swarm in 2032, the intense cometary energies might induce powerful psychological reactions within us, forcing us to engage in deep soul-searching and introspection, making us confront our sins, our deepest fears and our subconscious trauma. It could be a collective life-review of sorts, where every person on earth becomes aware of how he or she is not fulfilling the purpose of his or her incarnation.
There could also be some impact events during this passage in 2032, but my feeling, based on my reading of the ancient texts and prophecies is that, the impacts will be minimal and strategically directed to serve as a “warning” to humanity, telling us to change our materially focused, self-indulgent ways of life, and to align ourselves with the objective for which the earth was fashioned – to serve as a school for the progressive evolution of consciousness.
The activation of the comets within the Taurid swarm could be the event that the Hopi refer to as the appearance of the “Blue Star Kachina”, which will be the final sign heralding the end of the Fourth World. As per the “The Book of the Hopi” by Frank Waters, the prophecy states,
"You will hear of a dwelling-house in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a Blue Star. Very soon after this the ceremonies of my people will cease."
It is very likely that the “Blue Star” refers to a comet with a brilliant, bluish ion-tail, which will give off a thundering sonic boom when it enters the earth’s atmosphere. The ancient cultures referred to comets as “stars”, and the term comet itself originates from the Greek word “kometes” which means “hairy star”.
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Comet Hale-Bopp, April 1997, had a brilliant blue ion tail. Credit: E. Kolmhofer, H. Raab; Johannes-Kepler-Observatory, Linz, Austria; CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. |
Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf in the book “LAST CRY: Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times”, gave more details of the Blue Star Kachina.
“The Blue Star Kachina would physically appear in our heavens which would mean that we were in the end times...The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. This is where the changes will begin. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life…”
This is why, when I had heard about the discovery of the asteroid “2024 YR4”, I wasn’t particularly interested or shocked, because from my perspective the encounter with the Taurid swarm of comets in 2032 is likely to be the critical event that the prophecies are talking about.
However, the discovery of asteroid “2024 YR4” served an important purpose in the sense that, it brought the 2032 date into the public consciousness. It’s telling us that this is an important date we need to pay attention to. Effectively, “2024 YR4” is serving as a celestial clock, making us aware of the significance of the year 2032 in the unraveling of the Kali Yuga.
Another asteroid, which seems to be functioning as a celestial clock, is Apophis, which is estimated to be around 335 meters across. Apophis will make a close flyby to the earth in the years 2029 and 2036. When Apophis was discovered in 2004, it quickly gained notoriety as an asteroid that could impact us in 2029 and 2036, but subsequent observations have ruled out that possibility.
Even then, Apophis will get uncomfortably close to the earth in 2029. On April 13, 2029, Apophis will pass less than 20,000 miles (32,000 kilometers) from our planet’s surface – closer than the distance of geosynchronous satellites – and will be visible to the naked eye.
Even though we will be spared from a direct collision with Apophis, it is an important portent of the coming changes. The time difference between the two close flybys of Apophis in April 2029 and March, 2036 is seven years. This tells me that Apophis could be a celestial clock marking out the “seven-year period of tribulation” mentioned in the Biblical prophecies about the end-times.
Let me explain why I think so. In June-July 2036, the earth will pass through the absolute center of the dense “Taurid swarm”, which could be the critical event that will pull down the curtains on the Kali Yuga. I have talked about this at length in my book, and I shall not get into it now, other than to point out that, in a number of readings, Edgar Cayce had said that that return of the Messiah will take place in ’36, when “His star will appear”. The year ’36 very likely refers to 2036, for there is no reason why Cayce would have prophesied the return of the Savior in 1936, when he had, in fact, made a number of stunningly accurate predictions about the Second World War that followed soon afterwards.
Moreover Cayce’s descriptions of the events that will accompany the return of the Messiah are strikingly reminiscent of a cometary apocalypse. Cayce said that the earth changes in 2036 will be initiated by “outside forces”, which will “disturb the equilibrium of the earth itself in space”, and, as a result, “the sun will be darkened and the earth shall be broken up in diverse places”.
If the return of the Messiah or Avatar and the “Day of Purification” is in 2036, then the seven-year period of tribulation should begin in 2029. And, almost in confirmation of this, the asteroid Apophis is going to make two close flybys in 2029 and 2036, effectively serving as a celestial clock marking out the prophetic times.
In Yuga Shift, I had identified the 15-year period from 2025 to 2040 as being the time of intense transformation changes that will propel us to the ascending arc of the Yuga Cycle. But now it seems to me that, within that 15-year window, the 7-year period from 2029 to 2036 could be the time when we experience some of the most powerful transformative events.
Incidentally, as per the WEF vision, 2030 is the year by which the Great Reset needs to be implemented, when a global government will call the shots, and “individuals will own nothing and be happy.”
The year 2029 / 2030 is also the time when the EU is planning for a direct military confrontation with Russia, along with possibly China and Iran. This is evident from the volatile rhetoric made by the leaders of various European nations last year. The new head of the British army, Gen Sir Roland Walker, said that, Britain must be ready to fight a war in three years i.e. by 2027, and he counted Russia, China and Iran as the greatest threats. The German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said, “We must be ready for war by 2029,” citing potential Russian aggression as the reason. Sweden issued a statement in August saying that, Russia poses the most serious threat to the Nordic country’s security until 2030, while the newly appointed EU Commissioner for Defense and Space, Andrius Kubilius, said that, “We must be ready to meet Russia militarily in six to eight years,” and followed it up with a dose of Kali Yuga wisdom, “If you want peace, prepare for war.”
So, the cosmic timelines for the Yuga Shift are overlapping with the timeline envisaged by the elites for a global government and the complete enslavement of humanity. Coincidence? I don’t think so. There is, quite obviously, a higher cosmic intelligence which is secretly orchestrating the whole drama that is now unfolding.
From my perspective, therefore, the asteroids Apophis and “2024 YR4” are messages sent to us from the universe to make us aware of the importance of the dates 2029, 2032 and 2036 during the period of transition after the Kali Yuga ends. The fact that the asteroid “2024 YR4” came into public focus in the year 2025 is no coincidence either. As the Kali Yuga winds down, we need to become aware of what lies ahead.
The Geopolitical Shifts
My expectation was that, as we approach March 21st 2025, and enter the period of transition, the dense energies of the Kali Yuga begin to slowly dissipate. As a result, the tyrants will begin to lose some of their powers, lies and corruption will get exposed, skeletons will tumble out of closets, disclosures will come thick and fast, and many ignored and maligned truths will bubble to the surface. This process of churn and chaos will create more polarization in the world, and the increased desperation of the elites can lead to the outbreak of more wars and violence in the world. This is what I had written in Yuga Shift, concerning this period:
“As the Kali Yuga energies will be on wane after 2025, the tyrants and dictators, who control the affairs of the world, may begin to find that their evil plans are no longer coming to fruition as easily as before. Their lies will get exposed, their propaganda will no longer be as effective, and their wicked schemes for gaining more profit and control will get disrupted. They may face increasing opposition from people around the world, who will begin to stand up for themselves and demand an end to the deceptions, injustices, exploitation of resources, instigated revolutions and false flag terror attacks. Humanity may become more polarized than ever before, leading to greater social and economic instability, and taking us closer to the next World War.”
The geopolitical shifts over the past few months have been pretty intense, and quite a lot of it has been along the lines I had anticipated, although I had never expected things to move so fast and in this manner. We have definitely seen some deeply entrenched power systems lose some of their clout, many lies and deceptions perpetrated at the highest level against the whole of humanity are coming out into the open, many countries are shaking off the yoke of colonial oppression, the fault lines between nations are getting more distinct, and the warmongering instincts of many leaders, countries and coalitions are being revealed for all to see. At the same time, new war fronts are opening up in the Middle-east, and it won’t be surprising if more battles break out in future to secure the profits of the military-industrial complex.
There seems to be an almost unreal zeal right now in the Western world for going ahead with AI technologies, digital currencies, and nanotech-based mRNA vaccines, and it is no secret that the current aggressive rhetoric for acquiring land and mineral resources is for the purpose of supporting these new ventures. No points for guessing where all of this could eventually lead – an AI regulated “beast system” where people are chipped and injected with nanosensors for monitoring and influencing their thoughts and physiology on a real-time basis, thereby taking us farther and farther away from our connection to our inner divinity, to community, to nature and to the cosmic consciousness. That’s the Kali Yuga end game.
You might think, “who is going to buy into that dystopian vision?”, but make no mistake, the powers-that-be are the wizards of deception, and they are likely to use the full force of their propaganda machinery to weave a compelling story – by using a combination of fear, coercion, financial inducements and utopian ideas – so that most people will feel an irresistible urge to queue up in lines to follow their advise, and turn against those who don’t. We have seen that happen before, haven’t we?
In other words, there could be a time in the near future, possible around 2029 or 2030, when every person will have to make a choice – does he go with the technology-dominated dystopian world of surveillance and control, which will be promoted as a “Golden Age”, or does he align with his inner spirit and the sacred wisdom of his ancestors, and trust the natural laws that bring about the gradual unfolding of consciousness and our spiritual abilities in the ascending cycle?
We must choose wisely if and when that moment comes, for it will be the most important choice that we will be making in this incarnation.
Sometimes, people ask me, “Why can’t advanced technology like AI lead us to a Golden Age?” and I find that suggestion hilarious. Really? Is there any technology out there which can clear our mind of egoic dross, make us give up our bad habits, dissolve our anger and hatred, heal our trauma and unresolved karma, take the mind away from the pursuit of greed and lust, stop us from lying, cheating, insulting and oppressing others, and take us closer to our inner spirit so that we may radiate the love and compassion, truth and wisdom, bliss and harmony of our inner world?
I don’t think so, and never will there be any such technology. It was not a lack of technology that got us into the descending Yuga Cycle and it will not be the invention of any new gadgets that will take us on the ascending curve. It will be the inner work that each one of us does, aided, of course, by the divine light of the central black hole, that will take us to the next Golden Age. We are entering into a period when spirit will triumph over matter in all its manifestation. Every person who retains sovereignty over his consciousness, remains true to his higher Self, and manifests his soul purpose, will make the world a better place and help to usher in the conditions for a utopian society to emerge.
And so, we finally arrive at the end of the Kali Yuga in a couple of days. This time around, the spring equinox will be on March 20 at 9:01 am GMT and 5:01 am EDT. In India, the equinox will occur precisely at 2:31 pm on March 20, and even later in the day at 8:01 pm for people who live in Australia. Thus, the Kali Yuga will end on March 20th, and the ascending Yuga Cycle, of which the first 1200 years is Ekpyrosis, will begin on the next day i.e. March 21st, sunrise.
I had never thought that anything special will occur on the vernal equinox date, since this is just a calendar date, and the transition between the ages occurs gradually over many years, just as the transition between the seasons occur over gradually over many days. The events of the past few months have made it quite clear that the Yuga Shift has already commenced. You can literally feel the energies shifting right now, and see the changes manifesting all around you at an unnerving speed.
What amazed me the most was the discovery that the central black hole has already switched to its AGN phase. This was an assurance that the ascension train will not stop and stutter anymore, and will continue to move relentlessly in an upward trajectory over the next 12000 years, taking us to the pinnacle of human consciousness and abilities, and manifest a virtual utopia on earth. Nothing can derail this process, no power on earth can stop it. So hop on guys, and let go of any worries. Tickets are not required on this journey, all that is needed is an open heart to welcome the new energies and a willingness to manifest your soul potential.
you brought multiple factors quite well! My calculations per Vaidika scriptures -
ReplyDelete"Heathrow airport is closed due to fire at nearby substation"
ReplyDeletePeriod of Ekpyrosis has started. As mentioned by you, the signs are obvious.
Only ignorant will ignore these signs.
Yes, the fires are everywhere. Shutting down of Heathrow has symbolic significance as well. The messages will keep coming until they can't be ignored any longer.
DeleteWhat is the symbolic significance of Heathrow airport burning ?
DeleteWonderful article as always! While some of the incidents have been happening, still many people are going on as if life goes on, without any internal change. Doesn't want to sound pessimistic, but sometimes I do wonder, rather hope for a very big event very soon, that would bring some humane values to many of the people around us. Tiny events wont be able to scratch even the surface of 99% of the thick-skinned humans.