October 2024

My discussion with Heather Ensworth on her YouTube channel on the Yuga Cycle, the coming shift out of the Kali Yuga, the implications of the end-time prophecies of different cultures and how we can navigate through the coming challenges. 

This was an invigorating discussion with a wise and wonderful lady, and we touched upon many important and interesting topics that are pertinent to our times.

Click here to watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHAs3TouI2k


The "Awakening of Humanity" online event was organized by the "Portal to Ascension" from October 8-18, 2024. I presented on the final day of this mega event on 18th October, 2024.

It was a 30 minute presentation titled, "Yuga Shift - The Impending Planetary Transformation", which was followed by a discussion with the host Emilio Ortiz.

Click this link to watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKE9MWVOgCo