The year 2025 signifies a watershed moment in our collective experience, for the Yuga Cycle framework based on the “Saptarshi Calendar” indicates that on 21st March, 2025, the Kali Yuga will end. This will be followed by a long transitional period of 1200 years - which the Greek philosophers called Ekpyrosis (meaning “Conflagration”) - when the decadent structures, philosophies and ideologies of the Kali Yuga will be entirely obliterated and a nascent civilization based on elevated spiritual principles shall take root, which will eventually grow into the enlightened civilizations of the ascending Yuga Cycle, culminating in the next Golden Age.
At the same time, my research also indicates that the destruction of the current Kali Yuga civilization is likely to be completed within a small window of time between 2025 and 2040, due to a combination of global wars, environmental catastrophes and comet impacts. These are the end-times that the ancient prophecies warned us of, when the apocalyptic events described in the eschatological texts will be fulfilled and our reality will be drastically altered.
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Figure 1: The 25,800-year Yuga Cycle, including the 1200-year periods of Kataklysmos and Ekpyrosis. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra. |
In my book, YUGA SHIFT, I have provided a detailed explanation of the Yuga Cycle framework based on the Saptarshi Calendar with its 2700-year cycle, and I had outlined some of the essential points in my previous articles (link1, link2) on this topic.[1][2] Without getting into too many details, let me just point out that the upcoming period of transition in 2025 not only marks the end of the Kali Yuga – which is the current age of greed and lies, corruption and violence that we are living in – but the culmination of the entire descending cycle of consciousness that began in 9676 BCE, soon after the Ice Age came to an abrupt end. This amplifies the significance of the impending transition, when a series of transformative events will sweep over us, and alter our reality beyond recognition.
In my book, I have presented a gamut of scientific evidence from various disciplines – history, archaeology, anthropology and astronomy – which validates the essential tenets of the Yuga Cycle doctrine. At the same time, I was also interested in finding out scriptural confirmations of this timeline. To this end, I came across some very interesting information from the writings of Alice Bailey, and the eschatological vision outlined in the Tibetan sacred text, the Kalachakra Tantra.
The Prophecy of Alice Bailey and Djwal Khul
The year 2025 had been specifically mentioned by the theosophist Alice Bailey in some of her writings nearly a century ago, as being a herald of a period of impending transformation. Alice Bailey had written more than twenty-four books on various theosophical and esoteric subjects. She had claimed that the majority of her works - which were written between 1919 and 1949 - had been telepathically transmitted to her by the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul.
In a very well-researched article titled, “The Coming Avatar”, author Dorje Jinpa has quoted deeply symbolic passages from the writings of Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky, as well as other Hindu and Buddhist manuscripts, to present a picture of the Avatar who is expected to arrive at the close of this Yuga. Quoting from Bailey’s, "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire", Dorje Jinpa writes,
“From the gates of gold down to the pit of earth, out from the flaming fire down to the circle of gloom, rideth the secret Avatar, bearing the sword that pierceth. Naught can arrest His approach, and none may say nay. To the darkness of our sphere He rideth alone, and on His approach is seen the uttermost disaster, and the chaos of that which seeketh to withstand…The noise discordant of the warring elements greets the oncoming One and deters Him not…Yet, He passeth on His way, sweeping the circle of the spheres, and sounding forth the WORD.”[3]
Bailey clarified that the “Word” that the Avatar sounds forth is “the vibration of His Silent Will, the Impulse of Synthesis – One Life, One Purpose, One Family.” She wrote that the Avatar is “coming to the earth in order to further the manifestation of unity, of oneness and of inter-relation, and He comes, therefore, to wield and apply first ray energy.”
She described the Avatar as an “extra-planetary avatar”, who will accomplish his purpose without taking a mortal form. She wrote that, “these Avatars appear rarely, but when they do, the effectiveness and results of their work is very great…They never descend lower than the mental plane…They bring about death – the death of the old and limiting forms and of that which houses evil.”
Bailey’s writings are closely aligned with the descriptions of the Yuga-ending avatar in many eschatological texts, in which the Savior arrives from the heavens wielding a sword, at a time when our planet is plagued by wars and disasters. The Yuga-ending avatars have an immensely transformative effect on the planet, and while they may use force when required, it is really the power of their spiritual energy and silent will that effects the greatest change.
What is probably most relevant for our times is Bailey’s statement regarding the date when the Avatar will manifest himself. She said that the reappearance of the Avatar and the externalization of the Hierarchy (i.e. the hierarchy of gods or angels who work for the evolution of human consciousness) would begin after 2025. In, "The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy", Bailey wrote,
“In 2025, the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalization of the Hierarchy. The present cycle (from now until that date) is called technically “The Stage of the Forerunner”. It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results.”[4]
I was amazed to learn that Bailey had explicitly identified 2025 as the cut-off date after which the manifestation of the hierarchy of gods will begin. This exactly matches the end date of the Kali Yuga in 2025, which I had arrived at by a very different method. Bailey brought up the prophetic implications of the 2025 date later in her writing career. In the article, “The Coming Avatar”, Dorje Jinpa writes that,
“In 1945, at a time when the enemy’s external threat through Hitler’s armies had just been averted, Bailey said that three recognitions must be evidenced by humanity before the year 2025, if the ‘destruction of mankind is to be averted.’ They are: 1. Recognition of the Christ spirit within. 2. Recognition of the Hierarchy. 3. Recognition of the Divine Plan. The destruction mentioned here could mean something like the great flood of the last days of Atlantis, although as Bailey points out some prophecies say that destruction by fire is also a possibility. “If humanity fails to unite under the banner of the Forces of Light against the forces of material aggression and selfishness, then the ‘fiery ordeal’ might be unavoidable.”
Apparently, the year 2025 is the cut-off date for humanity to recognize that we are divine souls, that the gods described in many ancient traditions are the guardians of the human civilization, and it is our sacred obligation to act in accordance with the divine plan, which is to live in peace and harmony, and to progressively purify our consciousness by following the ancient wisdom teachings. If we are unable to do so by 2025 – and, to be honest, that seems quite unrealistic at this stage – catastrophic changes will inevitably sweep over the earth.
It is interesting that Bailey mentions that a fiery ordeal” may be unavoidable, for, as per the Yuga Cycle framework, the 1200-year period of transition after the Kali Yuga is called “Ekpyrosis”, - a Greek term meaning “Conflagration” – when the world is cleansed by fire.
The question that was foremost on my mind as I read these prophetic utterings was, how did Bailey arrive at the 2025 date as a marker of the end-times? Since she claimed to be documenting the esoteric wisdom of the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul, it occurred to me that the end of the Kali Yuga in 2025 must have been known to certain Tibetan Masters, even though it was forgotten by the people at large. But from where did the Tibetan lamas get this date? After I bit of searching around, I realized that the Tibetan Kalachakra Tantra prophecy points to the year 2025 as the time of the apocalyptic end-time battle.
The Kalachakra Tantra Prophecy
The Kalachakra Tantra is a Buddhist sacred text, containing some of the most esoteric teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. In one of the chapters, it describes an apocalyptic end-time battle that parallels the Hindu prophecy of the Kalki Avatar appearing from Shambhala to eradicate evil. Since most of the scriptures that comprise the Tibetan Canon were translated from the ancient Sanskrit texts, this correlation is only to be expected.
As per the Kalachakra Tantra, 32 Kings shall rule in the hidden, mystical kingdom of Shambhala, after the time of the Buddha. Each of them will rule for a 100 years, adding up to a total of 3200 years. The first 7 kings will be called Dharmarajas (Truth Kings), while the next 25 will be known as Kalki Kings (Holder of the Castes). The final Kalki King will be called Rudra Chakrin (meaning, “The Wrathful One with the Wheel”), who will ascend the throne of Shambhala as the 25th and last king.
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Figure 2: Rudra Chakrin, the final Kalki King of Shambhala, holding a spear (shakti) and a wheel (chakra). Image taken from Edward Henning’s website, |
As the succession of the Shambhala kings takes place, corruption and deterioration will predominate on the earth. Victoria Dmitrieva, in her thesis titled, “The Legend of Shambhala in Eastern and Western Interpretations (1997)”, wrote that, as per the Kalachakra Tantra,
“Religions will no longer be duly respected, an aggressive materialism will rule the planet and spiritual attainments will be of no value. The barbarians (Kla-klo), fighting each other for power, will be finally united under an evil King. After the whole world has submitted to him, the hidden land of Shambhala will reveal itself and the (evil) King, overwhelmed with rage that he is not the only ruler of the world, will lead a war against Shambhala.
The Kla-klo king will have all kinds of mighty terrible weapons at his disposal. This final battle of Shambhala with the Kla-klo army will be held in 2425 CE. Then the 32nd Shambhala King, Rudra Chakrin, will lead his army against the barbarians and will destroy them, thus bestowing the “perfect age” for at least a thousand years. At that time the whole world will turn into Shambhala with no sickness or poverty, and no need to work to earn a living. Even great saints and sages of the past will return to life to teach true wisdom, and many will attain enlightenment through the practice of the Kalachakra.”[5]
The final battle between Rudra Chakrin and the barbarian rulers of the earth is prophesied to happen in 2425 CE, which is exactly 400 years after the 2025 CE date for the end of the Kali Yuga. The “perfect age” of a thousand years that will follow the end-time battle corresponds to the 1200-year period of Ekpyrosis after the Kali Yuga. Although the 1200-year period of Ekpyrosis will be a time of significant earth changes, which will purify, rearrange and renew our world, it will also be an amazing time to live for the survivors of the impending apocalyptic events, for a new, divine, energy will course through our planet, which will cleanse our minds of egoic dross and activate the dormant chakra centers and subtle mental abilities. As a result, the people of that period are likely to experience powerful feelings of bliss that are inconceivable today.
I was curious, though, as to why the apocalyptic battle in the Kalachakra Tantra was prophesied to occur in 2425 CE, exactly 400 years after 2025 CE. When I looked into the calculations in the Kalachakra Tantra a bit more closely, I realized that some amendments had been introduced into the text, either during the time of translation or at a later date, as a result of which the date of the end-time battle was extended by 400 years.
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Figure 3: Rudra Chakrin, the final king of Shambhala, riding a white horse and killing the barbarians with his spear (shakti). Source: |
As per the prophecy, the end-time battle will occur after each of the 32 Shambhala Kings have ruled for 100 years each, for a total duration of 3200 years after the time of Buddha. Within the Eastern Buddhist tradition of China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan, the traditional date for the death of the Buddha was 949 BCE.[6] Since the first Shambhala King Suchandra, was believed to be ruling during the time of Buddha, the period of Suchandra’s rule is assumed to have extended from c. 976 – 876 BCE. Thereafter, each King ruled for a hundred years.
This sequence should have taken us to 2225 CE for the end-time battle, but, for some inexplicable reason, the 3rd Kalki King named Bhadra has been assumed to rule for 300 years, instead of the usual 100. As a result, the date of the end-time battle got extended to 2425 CE.
As I went through the numbers in the Kalachakra Tantra, I was astonished by how closely the dates and time periods in the prophecy correspond to the Yuga Cycle framework based on the Saptarshi Calendar. Here are the primary correlations that took me by surprise:
- The first Shambhala King, Suchandra’s reign extended for 100 years from 976 – 876 BCE. Thus, the counting in the Kalachakra system begins from 976 BCE. In the Yuga Cycle timeline, the descending Kali Yuga ended in 976 BCE - the exact same date!
- As per the Yuga Cycle timeline, the end of the descending Kali Yuga in 976 BCE was followed by a 300-year period of transition and the 2700-year ascending Kali Yuga thereafter, adding up to a 3000-year Yuga. In the Kalachakra Tantra, the rule of the 32 Shambhala kings extend for a total of 3200 years, starting from 976 BCE.
- In the Kalachakra Tantra, each Shambhala king rules for 100 years, starting from 976 BCE, whereas the Yuga Cycle was tracked by the Saptarshi Calendar in which the Seven Sages spend 100 years in each nakshatra or lunar house, thereby completing a 2700-year cycle around the ecliptic. Thus, not only is the starting point of the current epoch same in both systems i.e. 976 BCE, they both use a 100-year tracking system.
These correlations clearly indicate that the Saptarshi Calendar served as the basis for determining the dates in the Kalachakra Tantra. The 100 years of rule of each Shambhala king was the 100 years that the Saptarshis spend in each nakshatra; while the beginning of the present epoch in 976 BCE in the Kalachakra system coincides with the end of the descending Kali Yuga in 976 BCE, and, effectively, the beginning of the next Yuga of 3000 years.
It is the Saptarshi Calendar that begins in the 76th year of each century BCE, and, therefore, a counting system that begins from 976 BCE and uses a 100-year reckoning must, necessarily, be based on the Saptarshi Cycle.
The reason why the end-time battle in the Kalachakra prophecy occurs in 2425 CE - exactly 400 years after 2025 CE – is because of a couple of deviations in the Kalachakra system. Firstly, as I have already mentioned, in the Kalachakra system, the 3rd Kalki King, Bhadra, has been arbitrarily assumed to rule for 300 years, instead of the usual 100. That’s 200 extra years, which should be rightly ignored for computing the date of the end-time battle.
Secondly, in the Kalachakra system, the current epoch starting in 976 BCE lasts for 3200 years, whereas in the Yuga Cycle doctrine each Yuga is of 3000-years durations. That’s another 200 extra years. It is rather odd why the Kalachakra considers the final epoch to be of 3200 years duration, when, both in the Indian and Persian doctrines, each Yuga extended for 3000 years. I wondered if the 200 extra years were added later to the Kalachakra text. My instinctive feeling was vindicated when I came across an intriguing piece of information in the website, which has been put together by Edward Henning, a renowned Kalachakra scholar, translator and Tibetan astrology expert, and the author of the book “Kalachakra Mandala”. Edward Henning observes that,
“There are some problems with the listing of the kalki-kings. The general list given in Tibetan texts, and used in the series of pictures shown here, contains 25 names, but the great Indian Kalacakra teacher Vibhuticandra pointed out to Tibetan colleagues that the names of the 18th and 19th in this list, Hari and Vikrama, belonged together as one name, Harivikrama. He also pointed out to them that some Tibetan lists similarly split up the name of number 24 in the list into two names, Ananta and Vijaya. This persists to this day. The advice of this great Kalacakra teacher was duly noted by the Tibetans but in practice ignored, and their misreading of the Sanskrit when translating into Tibetan was not corrected.”[7]
Now we begin to get an idea of what might have happened. A single name in the Sanskrit text was broken up into two different names in the “official” Tibetan list of Shambhala kings. This definitely happened in case of the king Harivikrama as noted by Vibhuticandra, and it is not unlikely that another error of a similar type was introduced into the Tibetan texts during the process of translation.
In fact, I would suggest that the 11th king "Aja" and the 12th king "Surya" belonged together as one king "AjaSurya". This is because the term "Aja" is a title of "Surya". In the book, An Introduction to Comparative Mythology: Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Marchall and Pilkey wrote that, "The mysterious figure AJA is claimed as the Father of Dasaratha. “AJA” is a ‘seed’ title of SURYA." Then the authors identified some of the lineages leading to Rama, such as, "Raghu- AJA(Surya)- Dasaratha-Rama, Nabhaga- AJA(Surya)- Dasaratha-Rama". In other words, the terms "Aja" and "Surya" belong together as "AjaSurya", and are very unlikely to be the names of two consecutive kings.
It is eminently possible that the original Kalachakra system had 30 Shambhala Kings (and not 32) ruling for 100 years each, adding up to a 3000-year Yuga. Thus, the date of the end-time battle in the original Kalachakra system was 2025 CE, but due to subsequent amendments - either during the process of translation or at a later date - this date got extended by 400 years.
Fortunately, the original date of the apocalyptic battle i.e. 2025 CE was not completely forgotten but was preserved by means of oral transmission within certain lineages of monks. This is the date that the Tibetan master Djwal Khul had conveyed to Alice Bailey, as being the time when the externalization of the “Divine Hierarchy” will begin.
Since the Tibetan Canon was largely translated from the ancient Sanskrit texts, it implies that, in ancient India, there was a system of tracking the Yuga Cycle using the Saptarshi Calendar, in which the current Yuga of 3000 years duration began in 976 BCE. The knowledge of this system was lost from India when the country came under a slew of external invasions from the 11th century onwards. This means, the Yuga Cycle timeline that I have proposed, is not a new interpretation of the Yuga Cycle. Rather, it is a “rediscovery” of an ancient method of tracking the Yuga Cycle using the Saptarshi Calendar. This method was prevalent in India for thousands of years, and then it was forgotten sometime during our long passage through the darkness of the Kali Yuga.
One of the questions that I had pondered over is, why did the Tibetan Buddhists extend the date of the end-time battle by 400 years to 2425 CE? It is quite clear that the end-date was deliberately extended and was not done inadvertently. My guess is that, there was an attempt to bring it in line with the Zoroastrian beliefs about the end of the current World Cycle.
The Persians, who were the neighbors of the Indus Valley civilization, and with whom the Indians had longstanding cultural and linguistic connections, not only believed in a World Cycle of 12,000 years, but they also divided it up into four equal Ages of 3,000 years each.[8]
As per the ancient Persian accounts, Zoroaster lived between the 7th and 6th centuries BCE, and had received his revelation from Ahura Mazda in the world-year 9000.[9] This takes the beginning of the current World Cycle, when Supreme Lord, Ahura Mazda, had recreated the world, to the period between 9600 BCE to 9700 BCE - the precise time when the last Ice Age had ended. As per the Yuga Cycle framework, the descending cycle of consciousness began in 9676 BCE, which is perfectly aligned with the Persian estimates.
The Zoroastrian tradition holds that, after Zoroaster began teaching the doctrine of Ahura Mazda, he initiated the final World Age of 3000 years, which will be followed by the final renovation of the world when the forces of light will triumph over evil. Thus, the 12000-year World Cycle is scheduled to end sometime between 2300 and 2400 CE. This is the approximate time that the Tibetan Buddhist might have “targeted” for placing their apocalyptic battle, in which Rudra Chakrin will emerge from Shambhala and vanquish the forces of evil and inequity.
Since the concept of the “transitional periods” between the Yugas is missing in the Zoroastrian doctrine, their belief was that, the bulk of the transformative changes are effected at the very end of a 3000-year Yuga. This belief is not correct, as I have shown in my book and previous articles, for there is always a period of transition spanning 300 years or so between the Yugas, when a series of cataclysmic events eradicate the older civilizations and a new wave of civilizations begin to appear in the archaeological records.
One of the key takeaways from this discussion is that, the end of the Kali Yuga is not some vague date hundreds of thousands of years into the future as many Hindus tend to believe, but is very close at hand. In many Puranas, the duration of the Yuga Cycle had been inflated to a humungous number (4,320,000 years) by multiplying the 12000-year half-cycle by 360, and this has now become the dominant idea, even though the 12000-year cycle has been explicitly specified in the Mahabharata and the Laws of Manu. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to dislodge an erroneous conception once people have become indoctrinated with it.
But, we cannot have different Yuga Cycles for different cultures, and my study shows that the Yuga Cycle and the earth’s precession cycle are one and the same, and the Kali Yuga ends on 21st March, 2025. I do hope that open-minded seekers of the truth will reflect on this information and re-evaluate their understanding of the Yuga Cycle, so that they can prepare themselves to deal with the transformative changes that are on the way, and that have, to some extent, already started to manifest.
[1] Bibhu Dev Misra, "The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle", Ancient Inquiries, July 15, 2012,
[2] Bibhu Dev Misra, " The Yuga Cycle and the 25,800-year Precession Cycle of the Earth", Ancient Inquiries, March 18, 2024,
[3] Dorje Jinpa, “The Coming Avatar”, 2013,
[4] Alice Bailey, The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy, Lucis Publishing Company, 1957.
[5] Victoria Dmitrieva, The Legend of Shambhala in Eastern and Western Interpretations, Mc Gill University, November 1997, p. 11.
[6] L.S. Cousins, “The Dating of the Historical Buddha: A Review Article”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 6, 1 (1996), pp. 57 - 63.
[7] "The Kings of Sambhala",
[8] Mary Boyce, Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism, op. cit., p. 20.
[9] “ASTVA?.?R?TA”, Enclyclopaedia Iranica,
Brought your book through white falcon publication and not a single guy believes that if I say that world will end in 16 years and end of kali yuga too I wonder why
ReplyDeleteThat's because most Indians believe that the Yuga Cycle runs into millions of years, while many do not even believe in the concept of the Yugas, thanks to the indoctrination since school days. When you look around at society today, you can see how everyone has been caught up in the fulfillment of their materialistic and sensual desires, and when people are in that frame of mind they will not recognize the truth even if it slaps them on the face. But the Kali Yuga is on its way out, massive changes are coming, and slowly more and more people will wake up to this reality.
DeleteDo you know 14 march 2024 when Indian pm Narendra modi visited Bhutan, the Bhutanese Pm gifted at photo of Kalki Avatar.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link:
These images are that of the PM of Bhutan visiting India. As I have mentioned in the article, the Kalachakra Tantra prophecy of Rudra Chakrin is essentially same as that of Kalki, and many Tibetan Buddhists believe that the time for the return of Rudra Chakrin is close at hand.
DeleteSometime back, the King of Bhutan and his council of ministers decided to measure the progress of their nation by means of GNH (Gross National Happiness) instead of GDP, and they developed and implemented an elaborate framework for the same. Bhutan is also a zero-carbon emissions country. So, in many ways, the government of Bhutan is a role-model for the world, and provides a snapshot of the kind of societies that will emerge after the end of the Kali Yuga.
Thank you for the informative article. If the final end-time battle is to happen in 2025, shouldn't the evil king of the barbarians have risen by now (it's almost May 2024)? Shouldn't we also start seeing signs of unexplainable magical activity indicating the revelation of the kingdom of Shambhala and signs of the externalization of hierarchies by now? What are your views on the sequence of events we can expect to see in 2024 before the prophesied battle happens in 2025?
ReplyDeleteThe reason why the Kalachakra Tantra has placed the end-time battle in 2025 is because the Kali Yuga ends in 2025. However, the transformative changes occur over a period several years during the period of transition between the Yugas, and not in a single year. In some ways, the end-time fighting has already begun, and I suspect it will blow up into a big global war by the early 2030s.
DeleteAs to who will be the "king of the barbarians" - this will become apparent in a few years time. There are many contenders, but I do not want to take names right now. Moreover, due to the degraded consciousness of this age, the leader of the evil forces may, actually, be hailed as a hero, and the champion of liberty and progress, by the majority of the people of the world. A similar thing happened towards the end of the Dwapara Yuga, as related in the Mahabharata, when the evil king Duryodhana had received the support of the majority of the kings ruling at that time, and his army was four times the size of the forces opposing him. Things are far worse than that at the moment.
Djwal Khul's prophecy, transmitted through Alice Bailey, tells us that the "externalization of the hierarchy" i.e. the revelation of Shambhala or Amaravati, and the appearance of Rudra Chakrin, will happen sometime after 2025. My research also points in the same direction. In all probabilility, it will be during the passage of the earth through the center of the Taurid Resonant Swarm in the years 2032 and 2036, that the hidden land of Shambhala will be revealed, and some of the giant comets within the swarm - which are now in a dormant state - will get reactivated in all their effulgent glory. These comets are the "messengers" or "animal mounts" ("vahanas", in Sanskrit) of the gods, and are guided by the divine forces to carry out the task of Yuga-ending purification, while the celestials might reveal themselves only to the survivors of this apocalyptic battle.
In my book I have provided a scenario of what we may expect to happen after 2025, and throughout the 1200-year period of Ekpyrosis, and I shall be writing a number of articles over the next few months to share some of these research findings.
Just like your last article i am amazed with this one as well. This again corresponds perfectly with Bhavishya Malika(BM) predictions which say that as Saturn transits to Pisces (Meen), it will start the transformative process of end of kaliyug. And saturn enters pisces on 29th March, 2025. Very close to 21st March date.
ReplyDeleteInfact BM also says that the time to surrender to God and leave Adharma is only upto some time during 2025 and there will be no mercy shown after that. This corresponds with your article as well.
The only difference is BM says that most process of great upheavels will be completed by 2032/33. So let's see.
Btw sir, there is a youtube channel named SuspiciousObservers. They track sun and earth's cycles. Even as per them sun will go all out in next 10 years or so and earth is losing its magnetic field rapidly.
Their study says that by 2040 earth's poles will flip, sun will kill all technology by a micronova event and great floods, quakes will cause massive upheavels on earth and a new time cycle will start.
Hello, thanks for sharing insights from the Bhavishya Mallika. The correlations are, indeed, quite interesting. I will check out the you tube channel you mentioned.
DeleteI penciled those dates in my 2025 calendar. Thanks!
DeleteIf a comet or asteroid is to impact earth in the near future like you say, wouldn't we already know since organizations like NASA track these celestial objects' trajectories? No such warning of an impending impact in the near future (next 10 to 20 years let's say) has been issued by any agency. If nothing actually happens in terms of celestial objects impacting earth and the consequent 'Yuga-ending purification', will you take back your predictions or push the date/year further into the future?
ReplyDeleteIf you had read the book, or some of the comments above, or the previous articles on this topic, you would have known that the Yuga-ending cataclysms that occur every 3000-odd years appear to be caused by the passage of the earth through the dense swarm of comets within the Taurid meteor stream, known as the Taurid Resonant Swarm. The work of astronomers Clube, Napier, Asher and Duncan Steel show that these impact events occur every 2500 - 3000 years, and our planet will be passing through the swarm in the years 2032 and 2036.
DeleteMoreover, the vast majority of long-term comets are not known to us, and every few years a new one comes into the solar system. If a long-term comet is on collision course with the earth, you would know about it only a few weeks in advance. A long term comet is seen when it comes near the orbit of Jupiter, which gives us a notice period of a few months, and then astronomers take a few weeks to work out its trajectory. So, your statement that NASA will issue warnings for comets 10 years in advance is completely misplaced.
In case of Near-Earth asteroids, a substantial percentage of asteroids smaller than 1 km in diameter are still to be detected. Nearly 50% of the NEOs detected till now happened only in the last 6 years. The danger from unknown NEOs cannot be predicted in advance. However, it is not NEOs but the dormant comets with the Taurid swarm that present the greatest threat.
The Yuga Cycle framework in my book is backed up by a large number of data points drawn from history, archaeology, anthropology, and astronomy. The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025 is not a "prediction", but follows from the Yuga Cycle framework. It would be better if you made yourself aware of what is in the book, and in the previous articles, before coming here with smart comments.
As we can see the temperature in Indian has touch 48°C to 50°C, never we have ever witness this in the past 500 years, your article kaliyug 2025 on the way to become a reality as we are crossing the year 2025, the transactional period has began, no one should ignore it because it is very clear. What do you think will happen with regard to climate in the coming years?
ReplyDeleteWe are entering a long period of transition when the earth will be cleansed by fire. The rising temperatures and wildfires around the world are indicators of the earth changes that lie ahead. Many other kinds of catastrophes may also occur, however, the really big transformative changes will be brought about by comet and meteor impacts. As I have explained in my book and previous articles, the periods of transition between the Yugas are characterized by impact events, which lead to the collapse of the existing civilizations, which is then followed by the emergence of a new wave of civilizations across the world.
DeleteA famous astrologer in south India ie tamil nadu said in 2019 that the planetary alignment at that time was conducive for the birth of a great spiritual leader in some corner of the world and we would know that this prediction is correct in about 20 years when this spritual leader will reveal himself. MIT study in 70s said society will collapse in 2040! It has been verified again recently and we are right on track it seems. Weird things are happening...Harvard scientists are talking about UFO and aliens might be true and the rare sighting of white bison calf by a member of the first nations in north America indicates a prophecy thats 2000 years old has come true. White calf birth means significant change is coming!..
ReplyDeleteThanks for leaving your comment. I have written about the Sioux prophecy about the birth of the white bison (buffalo) calf in my book "Yuga Shift", and I was pleasantly surprised to read the news about it today ( So, yes, big changes are on the way. My research indicates that many things will happen between now and 2040 - including the lifting of the veil between the dimensions exposing a higher order reality to us - that will alter our world beyond recognition.
DeleteHave you ever heard of the YouTube channel Suspicious0bservers? He comes at this from a very different angle, but there's an interesting correspondence. He believes, through his study of physics and astronomy, that there is a 6,000/12,000 year cycle of shifting of the earth's magnetic poles due to a powerful electromagnetic wave coming from the center of our galaxy. Once it gets started in earnest (which he asserts is happening as we speak) then the world will be thrown into an extraordinary period of natural cataclysms: solar flares which destroy all electrical grids, continent devouring floods, mega earthquakes, and so on. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts about it!
ReplyDeleteThere are a number of things involved here. First, the Yuga Cycle framework indicates that we have an extended period of cataclym every 12,000-odd years, which should show up in sediment and ice core samples. There are comparatively less intensive periods of cataclysms every 2700-odd years extending for nearly 300 years, and this may be reflected in the sediment cores in the form of 3000 / 6000 / 9000 year cycles. However, these cataclysmic periods are not associated with "shifting of the earth's magnetic poles", since pole shift is not a periodic process, and the last time a pole shift occurred was around 780,000 years ago. Moreover a pole shift might cause damage to satellites and communication infrastructure, but will not result in a catastrophic destruction of civilization.
DeleteMy research indicates that each of the 4 Yuga-transitions in the past 12,000 years were associated with impact events, and the most likely cause for this is the passage of the earth through the dense core of the Taurid swarm that contains a large number of dormant comets and asteroids. Astronomers Clube, Napier, Steel and others have contended that the earth passes through the Taurid swarm every 2500-3000 years when it experiences intense meteor showers for a few centuries.
The cataclysms that occur every 12,000 years are also caused by impact events. We know that a massive comet impact took place at the Younger Dryas boundary around 13000 years ago, and as per the Sanskrit text Adbhuta-sagara a chain of 26 comets had struck the earth throughout the 1200-year Younger Dryas period, and the evidence of this is preserved in the YD "black mat" in the form of increased levels of Iridium. This comet swarm might originate from the Oort cloud and hit us every 12,900 years.
The EM light from the Galactic Center also has a role to play in the Yuga Cycle, but it's not a destructive one. When the nucleus of the Milky Way turns into an AGN (Active Galactic Nucleus) it propels us into the ascending Yuga Cycle, and the high energy ionizing radiation triggers various beneficial mutations in our body that causes our physical size, lifespan and cranial volume to gradually increase during the ascending cycle. When the AGN light switches off, we enter the descending Yuga Cycle when all the parameters start degrading due to the background cosmic radiation. I have proposed that the AGN cycle of the Milky Way is exactly equal to 25,800 years, and I am quite certain that this is correct value, but it will take too much space to explain now.
I have heard some people claim that our Sun might turn into a Nova very soon, which makes no sense to me since nova eruptions have only been seen to occur in white dwarf stars with a binary companion, and neither is our Sun a white dwarf nor does it have a binary companion. Moreover the periodicity of nova explosions is in the order of decades, and does not align with the Yuga Cycle. In general, solar flares will cause disruptions in communication systems and power grids, but nothing very serious. I don't think of the Sun as a "destructive force", and neither did the ancients, for they always venerated the Sun as their "Solar Father' and the giver of life and energy. On the other hand, the ancients absolutely dreaded comets and referred to them as the "harbingers of doom" and the "portents of imminent disaster".
Hi, regarding your answer about the Nova, you might want to look a bit deeper into this as many different kinds of nova are now been identified, not limited to white dwarf. Myself I don't think there is much doubt given the ongoing evidence, both in our solar system and nearby stars. I found your article interesting and need to re-read it (I followed a link here, so have not come across you before now). I suspect that there is a link between what you describe which at first glance I take to be metaphysical or spiritual and the physical. You mention the Earth's magnetic, well again this is now ongoing, the recent displays of aurora in southern latitudes from weaker CME's would seem to be strong evidence that the field is getting weaker. For me, 2030 - 2040 is the more likely time when mankind will get thrown back to the stone age (one good CME will do it). When you look at the possible causes of Nova (buildup of dust around the sun, magnetic/plasma wave of the galaxy) you can see that both mechanisms are occurring (the dust buildup in our solar system has been measured, the magnetic/plasma wave has also been identified) considering that this wave has affected nearby stars which have begone unusual levels of flaring and there is an estimated timeline of when we can expect our star to be affected. So we have a number of ongoing processes and to be the Yuga Cycle suggests to me that the ancients knew a lot more about our 'universe' than we appear to.
Deletebro i do not knew much about all these things but i want to share one incident. it happened when i was in 10th class in 2016, i went to my village during my summer vacation. At that time i was very confused about God and all the thing related to him. At that time a saint from himalaya visited our near by village and all our aged man were so excited to see him finally, all the senior citizens of the our villagers said about him that he is going to visit this place again after so many year and they said his age is more than 350 year and later i came to knew that he visited this place very often( they said in every 20 to 25 years) because he born at this place and later he became saint. when he came he just met everyone blesses everyone so i went to him and he also blesses me and in the evening when all people more than 100 sung bhajans and all he said to everyone that now LISTEN ME CAREFULLY - you are not going to see me again because of many reasons you cannot understand but you people must know and share this information to everyone that the time of last judgement has came, A GREAT avatar of DIVINE primodial mother( MAA BHAGVATI ADISHAKTI) has already came on this earth and she is teaching the selected human being so that some of them can be saved from this great destruction and Now his son THE kalki is going to come which is going to destruct evil forces from the this world and Mother is trying his best to purify some great souls because in this kalyug many good people also degraded. Again he said kalyug has already ended in 1970s this is krityug, a time of change many changes are going to happen in this time period and then he said next 20 years are very very very very difficult for this world not only for human beings but for this whole universe and again he said especially from 2025 to 2035. then he added even MOTHER who incarnated cannnot see his childrens sufferring like that while she is in human form that is why she already departed from earth(this show the intensity of atriciteis ) after choosing his some good souls who are going to take care of remaining humans after 2035 again he said she chooses over 1 lakh people all around the world because mather adishakti is MAHAMAYA nobody recognised her only the great souls, now KALKI is on the earth and he going to end this yug along with those choosen 1 lakhs students of MOTHER. he also said he is not allowed to reveal anything yet but dont worry DEVSENA is on the earth with his commander KARTIKEYA who are going to fight this battle with india against the evil forces physically while on many other planes of consiousness kalki will fight and after that war 5% percent of the popuation will survive and our this 5 % most of them will from india only and then after this freat war 1000 years of great time spritual moment came and here he smile said i bless you all that you may see this time and may you too have your relisation and enjoy the nector of MOTHERS LOVE
ReplyDeleteHello, thanks for sharing the information. It resonates with my own research findings. The period from 2025 till 2036 / 2040 will be the most critical time for humanity, which will be followed by 1200 years of divinely ordained peace, as well as planetary purification, before the ascending Yuga Cycle begins. However, I don't think that Kali Yuga has already ended. The extremely low state of consciousness in our world today is ample evidence of that. Kali Yuga will end in March 21, 2025. The survivors will be those who have cleansed their minds of the Kali Yuga impurities such as greed, selfishness and hatred, and have aligned themselves with the energies of the Yuga on the way - which is of love, oneness, truth and harmony.
DeleteHi Bhibhu, have you been able to find a legitimate copy of the Bhavisya Malika? I see a lot written on it on the web, but I suspect the quality of the interpretation, there is a bit of grift about it, especially the youtubers. I am certainly not surprised that it would indicate something similar to what you are suggesting in your research, but I wanted to see if you found anything reliable on it, because I have not been that impressed with the YT videos or translations. I think it would be interesting to hear your take on it, because one of the keys with Bhavisya Malika is that the March 21st ish, 2025 date (or thereabouts, I forgot the exact one) is likewise indicated by it as the end of the Kal Yug. Additionally, when Saturn enters Rohini in Taurus (I think) around 2032, there is going to be more trouble per BM(certainly in between there will be plenty of trouble especially with Jupiter atichari from 2025 to 2033, in addition to multiple conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn with Rahu/Ketu axis, in addition to Saturn being retrograde in Aries with, I think, the nodal involvement).
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, I would love to see your unique analysis on BM because unlike the grifters, I expect that you would really try to understand and interpret it as best as possible.
Thanks. I am not sure where I can find a legitimate copy of the original BM. Even if I find one, it may be in the Odiya language and therefore I wouldn't be able to read it. However, I will look at the translations available online, and share my perspectives on it, sometime down the line.
DeleteAs a followup, from my understanding the prophesies are on 'plates' in Orissa (at Jagganath?) and that one reads it from there, and they can be open to interpretation, although I am sure that the general indicators on YT etc are close enough to what BM actually is saying. However, I think some of the details might not be full understood and certainly might be misinterpreted, so it would be lovely to actually see the scripture.
DeleteIf we want to provide some logical examples of how this 2025-2040 timeframe will proceed, I think the following are useful.
ReplyDelete1. Food via ukraine/Russia - this war I think in 2025 will by then severely effect grain supplies which will have a major effect on dependent nations including, shockingly (since they have the Nile), Egypt who imports much grain from that region. This will of course be a chain reaction down the line, i.e. Famine.
2. Demographics - I personally think much of the deaths we will see, after famine, will be simple demographics. For instance the U.S. and especially Western Europe is full of old boomers and silent generations and the former are entering their 70s. So while a lot of this will look bad, some of the number declines will simply be related to age, especially by the end of this decade.
3. Demographics part 2 - China/Japan/Taiwan/Korea......terrible demographics that will lead to economic problems globally as manufacturing will need to shift and sometimes go offline. The China issue I believe will be part of why they will, at least according to the Bhavishya Malika, attack India as part of a last ditch effort.
After these factors, based on logic and logistics and mathematics, are taken into account, them we will start seeing more of the supernatural/occult/mystic elements
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. War is certainly on the horizon, and many countries in the West are actively preparing for it. With war comes shortages and famines, apart from the direct fallouts. I am thinking that the war might take the shape of a broad east vs west confrontation along multiple lines, and I won't be surprised if India and China resolve their differences and end up on the same side. It could turn out to be a Brics (with new members) vs Nato war.
ReplyDelete"2025 is a Jubilee year in the Christian and Jewish calendar that is also the focus of prophecy. The ageless wisdom suggests that in the 25th year of every century there is a gathering on the subtle planes of all Masters, Saints, Rishis and Enlightened Beings, and over time this is followed by significant changes in humanity. "
The year 2025 has no great significance really as the event is said to occur every century. So it's not related to the yuga cycle.
The reason why there is a change in human affairs beginning on the 25th year of each century AD is because the Seven Sages (Saptarshis) move from one lunar house or nakshatra to the next lunar house in the 25th year of each century AD (and the 76th year of each century BC). It is the Saptarshi Cycle that was used for tracking the Yuga Cycle, and this tradition was transferred from India to Tibet. In 2025, the Saptarshis will complete a 2700-year cycle around the lunar houses, which marks the end of the Kali Yuga.
DeleteAs per the internal data in the Kalachakra Tantra, the current cycle of 3000 years, which started in 976 BC is scheduled to end in 2025, which is why Alice Bailey - who got her information from the Tibetan master DK - made such grand predictions about the "externalization of the hierarchy" and the "destruction of humanity by a fiery ordeal". This exactly matches the end date of the Kali Yuga as per the Yuga Cycle framework based on the Saptarshi Calendar.
I think if you read the previous articles I had written on the Yuga Cycle, you will get a much better understanding of how the cycle was tracked and why 2025 is such a pivotal moment for humanity.
Hello,Misra.I purchased your books.I know the end of kali yuga is 2025,and you said this year is very important.But you said the most traumatic event is in 2032 in your book.Can you explain it particularly?
ReplyDeleteThe most traumatic events are likely to occur in the years 2032 and 2036 when the earth passes through the center of the Taurid swarm which consists of a number of massive dormant comets and asteroids. Although we pass through the Taurid meteor stream every year, once in May-June and again in Oct-Nov, we dont pass through this dense swarm of comets which are circulating within the stream. Astronomers Clube, Napier, Steel and others have contended that the earth passes through the Taurid swarm every 2500-3000 years when it experiences intense meteor showers for a few centuries. My research indicates that each of the 4 previous Yuga-transitions in the past 12,000 years were associated with impact events, and the most likely cause for this is the passage of the earth through the Taurid swarm of comets and asteroids.
DeleteOh,nice.So,how about 2025?Will we face the real disaster after half a year?
DeleteI don't think so. The period from 2025 to 2032 will be the time when humanity degenerates even further into utter chaos and madness, and you are likely to see more wars, invasions, revolutions, social unrest, bio warfare, false flag terror attacks etc. probably culminating in a global war sometime around 2029-2030. This time, of course, a global war will be many times more worse than before. Environmental catastrophes in the form of floods, fires and earthquakes are likely to increase as well, but I don't think there will be any major "natural disaster" before 2032.
DeleteHi sir , very nice revealing about right yuga cycles
ReplyDeleteBut can please you clarify this?
If dwapara yuga ended in 3102 Bc and kaliyuga 2 parts of 3000 each ,how would ascending kaliyuga end on 2025 AD.
If kaliyugam is 2700yrs ,then 2700+2700=5400yrs
If kaliyugam is 3000 yrs then it would be 6000 yrs
But from 3102 BC to 2024 AD ,it is only 5126 yrs?
Please read my original article on the Yuga Cycle. link:
DeleteAs per the tracking mechanism using the Saptarshi Calendar, Dwapara Yuga ended in 3976 BCE, and Kali Yuga started in 3676 BCE after a period of transition of 300 years. Since then, there have been two back to back Kali Yugas of 2700 years each, separated by a 300 year period of transition, adding up to 2700+2700+300 = 5700 years. 5700 years from 3676 BCE takes us to 2025 AD.
In my book I have explained with evidence that the 3102 BCE date was calculated by the Persians to find out the date of the Deluge (i.e. the Flood of Manu or Noah). It was an incorrect calculation, since it used incorrect values for the mean motions of the planets, especially Saturn. This date was imported into India, when the Sakas ruled over large parts of Northern and Western India, and it came to be regarded as the beginning of the Kali Yuga. The date has no valid astronomical, archaeological or geological basis, and cannot be regarded as the beginning of the Kali Yuga.
Ok sir, read it. Thank for reply .
DeleteMe, sharing your knowledge to everyone. Most of the indians were misleaded by false yuga peroids. Hence right time of arrival of avatar was not known.
It's because of knowledgeble people like you truth right information is being communicated
Is this below info true?
(( There is prediction that, illuminatii god, Asura demon Kali arrives in Israel Jerusalem's third temple by 2029 to establish New World Order(one world governance system).
From 2025 -2029 there's prediction that, evil kali illuminatii bloodlines,creates CYBER PANDEMIC and WW3 (nukes don't exist) and their Asura God arrives in 2029 to implement Project Blue Beam (fake alien invasion) plan to establish NWO.
Soon Afterwards , divine avatar said to be arrive around 2033 to establish righteousness within a decade before 2040 ,by destroying these forces of evil.))
This sounds plausible to me. I think the period around 2029 will see the beginning of a global war, and the emergence of a powerful Asura or Antichrist figure, followed by the enforcement of a NWO, where freedom and rights will be suspended and there could be widespread wars, invasions and tyranny. The cosmic forces will swing into action in late 2032 and 2036, and by 2040 the destruction of evil will be complete.
DeleteHello Bibhuji, good to read another awesome article from you. I told many of my friends about the date mentioned above. Not much can be changed this late in the game apart from spending more time on spiritual endeavors which is what I have been ' trying' to do. Hopefully it counts.
ReplyDeleteJust purchased your book from Amazon. Can wait to read it multiple times over. Will stay in touch.
I hope that you find the book interesting. It is true that we have now reached a stage where we must make an effort live in tune with our soul consciousness, for that is the way we can align ourselves with the vibrations of the age that is on the way.
DeleteIt has been quite some time since you have published a new article. When can we expect something new? Since 2025 is very close now it would be interesting to know what you think will happen regarding the externalisation of the hierarchy predicted by Alice Bailey.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have not published an article for sometime, but I will be putting out a few more in the next few weeks. Regarding the "externalization of the hierarchy", I believe this will happen in the 2030s, as I have described in my book, and mentioned in some of the podcasts. I will write some articles on that as well, going forward.
DeleteHi Bibhu, this comment might not be so relevant to this article. But have you heard of the recent "drone" sightings in North East coast of USA? Government for whatever obvious reasons has been saying they don't have any info on those but people of those states have been concerned. Just wondered what you'd think about this situation - manmade or ET stuff. Also some of the YouTube channels say that similar sightings are being seen in other parts of the world as well (not sure about the truth about that though).
ReplyDeleteYes, I have read about them. The US government is saying that they don't know what they are, but there is no perceived threat. Which basically means that they know who is flying those drones and for what purpose, but they don't want to tell the people about it. When I hear such drivel I get the feeling that the military and the secret service are prepping for something big...perhaps another false flag attack to justify another invasion? Who wants to go to Iran, raise your hands!
DeleteThank you! Yeah I also feel partially the same way, that this could be a prep for something big that's gonna come soon?! I also think there could be some ET involvement as well, especially given the fact that US govt revealed UFO fact files few months back. So it's like prepping in steps, without creating mass panic, is what I'm leaning towards.
DeleteYour writings resonate. Alice Bailey said in the Externalization of the Hierarchy that Los Angeles is the heart chakra of the nation. Parts of the city are being tried by fire this very week. Does this signify initiation by fire leading to the opening of the heart? Following your work. May Light rule. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWe are just getting started with Ekpyrosis, and at this point I believe it is going to be more of a wake-up call or trial by fire, to clear up the ego blockages and to make us seriously think of the purpose of our lives, and to push us in the right direction. It could also be an initiation, although I think that the initiation by fire will occur gradually, as the high frequency vibrations from the Galactic Center increase in intensity, and some of the powerful cometary bodies within the solar system get activated. Overall, I believe the next 15 years is going to be a time of profound energetic shifts, and humanity has to move away from the current trajectory of aggressive materialism towards a more balanced, harmonious and heart-centric approach to life.
DeleteCorrect Bro Bibbu ... this evolving scenario is about a spiritual transformation of one's self. As the observer it is unwise to get too caught up in these physical changes as we should treat it as a passing parade ...the real action is happening in the inner self. We have witnessed these conflagrations before during numerous yuga cycles, (ie 70+ on last count). Getting caught up in physical aspects of these changes lowers ones vibrations & detracts us from our sathwic advancing pathway. There are positive programs in sacred pockets in India which are instigating our ascension into the Sat yuga. It is these wonderful beginnings that will spread across the populations of the world when the realize that the egomania of the present western materialism is void of real progress & truth.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Appreciate your feedback.
DeleteFather will fight son, brother brother, mother daughter. Vice, crime, the destruction of bodies and souls, will reign unchecked...Families will scatter...Faithfulness and love will disappear...Of ten thousand men, only one will survive...mad, naked, hungry and without strength, who will not know how to build a house or procure food...He will howl like a rabid wolf, devour corpses, bite his own flesh and defy God, full of anger...The earth will be depopulated. God will abandon him. Only night and death will bear fruit. Then a hitherto unknown people will arise, who will pluck with a strong fist the weeds of folly and vice, and lead to battle against evil those who have remained faithful to the spirit of man. They will establish a new life on the earth purified by the death of the nations.In fifty years' time, only three great kingdoms will remain, living happily for seventy-one years.Then will come eighteen years of wars and cataclysms... Then, the peoples of the Agharti will emerge from their underground caves and appear on the surface of the earth.
ReplyDeleteSo as you can see it matches perfectly the others oriental's prophecies.
The prophecy was written by the Lord of the World in 1890. So when Melchisedech says: “in 50 years there will only be three great kingdoms left”, he's talking about 1940, i.e. World War II.
So three new great kingdoms appeared: Europe, Russia and the USA.He goes on to say that “they will live happily for seventy-one years”.That makes: 1940 plus 71, which gives us 2011. And in that fateful year, “after will come eighteen years of wars and cataclysms”.
So he's telling us that we're on the brink of a global conflict with horrendous, unprecedented consequences, lasting 18 years: from 2011 to 2029.
After that, there will be regeneration and a new cycle will begin, but not before there has been a period of involution and destruction, as so many prophecies and world religions tell us.
Also, to add to my precedent comment, you can add to all of those prophecies and about the taurid swarm the meteor "APOPHIS 9942" : significant probability of a collision with Earth on Friday, April 13, 2029, it is going to be really close to Earth by 2029 and will be back again by 2036! Always the same years/dates appears.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the prophecy of Melchizedek. I had not come across it before. The themes are quite similar to the other end-time prophecies. The date 2029 is significant, since it could signal the beginning of the 7-year period of tribulation, which could last till 2036. Apophis could well be a "celestial clock" marking out the prophetic times. As I have mentioned in my book and articles, 2036 is the date Cayce had prophesied for the return of the Messiah (He said, "In '36, His star will be seen", which I believe refers to 2036). 2036 is also the year when we pass through the center of the Taurid swarm of comets and meteors for the second time. So, a number of prophecies are converging in the near future, which tells us that we are entering a time of great transformation.
DeleteReally interesting! "The date 2029 is significant, since it could signal the beginning of the 7-year period of tribulation, which could last till 2036. Apophis could well be a "celestial clock" marking out the prophetic times." I came accross the same conclusion, a pleasure to read and discover your blog as since all those years I've been reading about a lot of different prophecies around the world, and same dates are coming again and again. Also to add even more. The movement called "Brahma kumaris" in India which is a kind Hindu's branch really popular in India and also in a lot of countries believes that the world "destruction/transformation" is going to happen in 2036... Also the french astrologer "André Barbault" (who predicted a pandemy by 2019 ten years before in an article with his theory of world astrological cycles rythmes) wrote in a book in 1993 that the period 2025/2026 to 2031 is going to be "the most happy time" in all the 21 century, most happy in a kind of all the perfect skies configurations for big changes.
DeleteOh and one more last thing, just few days ago we discovered "2024 YR4" which is an asteroid with a probability of 1 in 63 (1.6%) of colliding with Earth on December 22, 2032. As you know well, all skies bodies were for ancestors great "god's warning".
What great time to be alive.