Posts by "WhiteLotus"
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My discussion with Ian Ferguson on the "White Lotus of Light" YouTube channel. 

Ian and I had already discussed about my work on the Kali Yuga in a couple of earlier podcasts, and in this one we talk about the transformative changes that are currently shaping our world, and how they tie in to what I had suggested could occur as we head towards the end of the Kali Yuga and the beginning of the ascending cycle of consciousness in March 21, 2005.

Click here to watch: 


This is my second discussion with Ian Ferguson for his YouTube channel "White Lotus of Light". Our first chat took place a few months before I had published my book YUGA SHIFT, and the second one was after the book was published and Ian received a signed copy from me :)

Here we discuss the Yuga Cycle once again, as well as bizarre myths about dwarfs, the Hopi's Ant people, the Inner Earth, Agartha, and Shambhala. We also touch upon the possible connections of UFO's and elongated skulls to the Yuga Cycle and the Yuga shifts, and stories of the Sapta-rishis or Seven Sages who reseed civilization after every Yuga-ending cataclysm.

The interview has been published in two parts:

Part 1:

Part 2:



My discussion with Ian Ferguson on the "White Lotus of Light" YouTube channel, about my work on the Yuga Cycle, how I derived that the Kali Yuga ends in 2025, and the changes that we can expect going forward.

We had this chat in September, 2023, a few months before the release of my book YUGA SHIFT, on December 15, 2023. 

The discussion has been presented by Ian in two parts. Here are the links to the two parts:

Part 1: 

Part 2: